
It is the Mission of Help Kids India, Inc. (HKI) provides support to our partner in India, the Betsy Elizabeth Trust (BET),  in its efforts to alleviate the suffering of underprivileged children, their families and their communities in rural villages in Tamil Nadu, South India.

 Donate online with PayPal or your credit or debit card:

To donate by check:  make payable to Help Kids India and mail to:

Help Kids India

P.O. Box 1022

East Corinth, VT 05040

It is our Mission to be there for our veterans and their families in their time of need with the ultimate goal to end homelessness among veterans.

God's Work in the World

The West Newbury Congregational Church is supporting the Homeless Veterans Housing Emergency Shelter in Bradford VT Anyone looking to donate food or items can leave them in the church vestibule with a note stating the items are for the Homeless Veterans Housing Emergency Shelter.

If you want to contribute to Veterans Inc., please place a check in the offertory made out to: 

West Newbury Congregational Church,

Check Note  "Veterans Inc. Fund"   800 482-2565

The mission of a Light for Zimbabwe is to empower children, specifically orphans, by providing sponsorships for school fees from primary through secondary school. In special cases, college scholarships may be obtained for a few based on merit and need. Donations will also be used to establish sustainable projects for rural villages and individuals to promote independence and self reliance. Additionally, through the Village Health Worker program, we strive to meet basic screening and health care needs in remote areas as well as early identification of special needs such as children who are not attending school or who are otherwise at risk as well as caregivers in need of support.

Zimbabwe, a landlocked country of 151,000 square miles, approximately the size of Montana, is located in southeastern Africa. Zimbabwe is the home of Victoria Falls, one of the world's natural wonders. The country was formerly considered "the bread basket" of the continent.

Previously known as Rhodesia and a former colony of the United Kingdom, Zimbabwe gained its independence in 1980. Robert Mugabe, in office initially as Prime Minister and since as President and Chairperson of ZANU - PF, led the people in their fight for freedom. Deepening economic hardships since then have led to increased social, political and civil conflicts including strikes by teachers, nurses and doctors, causing hospitals and schools to shut down.