West Newbury Congregational Church


Adopted March 24, 2024

Almighty God, we covenant with You and one another, to walk together in faith, love, and hope as revealed to us through scripture, prayer, worship, and nature.

As followers of Christ, we affirm and welcome everyone to be part of our church family 

as members, leaders, and full participants.

We welcome people of all races, nationalities, and ethnicities.

We welcome people of all gender identities and expressions, sexual orientations, marital statuses, and family configurations.

We welcome people of all ages, physical and mental abilities, and economic circumstances.

We welcome people of all ideological, political, and theological perspectives.

We commit ourselves to weaving justice, inclusivity, and equity into the fabric of our congregation and our communities. We recognize that when all people in our communities are living in their truest identities, with Your peace and justice upholding them, we are all lifted up, and You, God, are glorified.

We strive to use our time, talent, love, and influence to serve You and share Your love, peace, and justice. In the name of Jesus Christ, we strive to be good stewards of Your creation and compassionately support and strengthen one another wherever our paths may lead.